Does life get better with time?

Ravikant Negi
2 min readDec 17, 2020

yes, and well, no. I am this Sonu

do you know why there are so many self-help books and blogs and videos and podcasts and whatnot that tell you how you can transform your life? and do you know the number of people they encompass? A LOT.

now tell me the number of people that actually benefit from this advice. obviously not as much.

I tried understanding the WHY behind the WHAT, and here is what I want you to know:

life does get better with time if you decide to get better with time.

James Clear in his book Atomic Habits says that if you decide to get better by 1 percent, JUST 1 percent every day, you may not see any difference tomorrow, but a year from now, you’re going to be thankful you started in the first place.

but if you just don’t put any effort, and keep getting one percent worse every single day, today and tomorrow might not have much of a difference, but one year later, I promise that you’re going to have a lot of regrets.

I like to think that we always, always have a choice.

what if I told you you’re one choice away from a completely different life. one choice away from getting rid of procrastination and living the kind of life and being the kind of person that lives a life they love and loves the person they’ve become? you’re one choice away from getting back up, deciding to do better, deciding to quit smoking, deciding to be the kind of person people would want to be friends with?

and what if I told you these choices aren’t actually that difficult? that life does get better with time, and so do these choices.

also, please don’t waste your energy asking me why I insert pictures with answers that probably don’t have anything to do with them. instead, just idk spend that energy somewhere productive kyunki i’m still going to continue doing it so🥰🥰🥰

Image source Anu Gallery

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